Too many times we sell ourselves short when it comes to breaking away from the job which holds us hostage. We stay when we should leave…..generally because of pressures from those that have never ventured outside their little box. Most of us have a parent, brother, friend, work associate or banker which tells you that you are making a mistake if you leave the security of your full time job. For their whole life they have worked in their little box, they do not want you to leave for fear you will make them look foolish. Every time you come up with an idea for a business or try to venture out, you hit the same resistance and most people back away to never do anything.
When I started my first franchise business, most of my family thought I was crazy, my coworkers laughed at me when I asked them to become partners with me. When I told my friends I had this idea and asked if they want to be a part of it, they said, “No thanks.” The banker who was helping me with my SBA loan, said he did not think I could pay back the loan and expected to take my home when he foreclosed on me in a year or two.
Thank goodness my wife believed in me. She was the only one to fully support me and my idea. A few years later not only did I pay off the bank loan, I paid off my house.
The resistance we hit every time we try to get out of the box can hold us back from doing great things in life. Pretty soon we quit trying to fly away and when we should explore what the world has there for us. If we keep banging our heads against the discouragement around us, we quit. We give up!
Watch this short video on how to train a flea. There is great meaning with it.
Don’t let others keep you penned in when freedom is so close. So what if you bang your head a few times. If you DON’T listen to those “who have never done it” you will be able to have a better chance of finding success in almost everything you do in life. If you want to be the best dancer in the world, singer, athlete or even entrepreneur, train with those who are successful, not with those who have failed.
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