In my religion we have a program to especially help the youth. It is called “Duty to God.” Youth are taught how they can serve God and how to be true Christians. As part of this Duty to God they are encouraged to Learn, Act and Share. There is much to be said about this program in relation to God, but the premises could very well apply to being an Entrepreneur.
Before becoming an entrepreneur you must LEARN a great deal about the product and service you are looking to get involved in. Is it a good product with some sustainability? The last thing you want is to start a business selling a product and have no demand for it. You get stuck with an inventory because the demand dried up too fast. Is it a product with a large or small public demand? If you customer pool is too small your business might not last because of the lack of customers. Are there multiple sources for you to buy the product? If you are only buying from one source and they quit selling to you product, you could be closed within days if not hours. Do you have the talents and skills to run a business? Look at yourself and be honest. Remember if you have the passion, you can learn and be taught most things about running a business. If you do not have the passion and drive to be an entrepreneur, that is OK for it is not for everyone. It is going to take a lot of work, so if you don’t have the passion to run your own business, don’t even try.
After you have LEARNED what you need to make a smart decision, then ACT. Too many people learn but never act. There are those that talk the talk and then there are those that walk the walk. Most of the time skeptical people have too much fear to act. The more information you can learn, the less fear you will have. But there gets to a point where you must act or nothing will ever happen. You will never get 100% of the information and if you think you need it, you will never pull the trigger on anything. I suggest once you have learned most of the important items about the business, make a decision and ACT. Be a doer and not a talker. If you never try, you will never succeed. Once you try, jump in with both feet and don’t look back, but only forward. Work hard and give great customer service and then work some more. Most businesses will not be an overnight success because it can take months or a few years. Once you become an Entrepreneur most will never go back working for someone else again.
The third part of this is SHARING. Once you are successful, reach out and help others. There are not many things more rewarding than sharing what you know and helping others succeed. Be part of the lives of those in need, either by being a mentor, trainer of small business start-ups or a financial contributor to organizations which encourage others to become entrepreneurs. Being able to share your knowledge or wealth is very rewarding personally. If you get help from a person, book, mentor or even a blog, you should “pay if forward”.
LEARN, ACT & SHARE are great principles to live by in church and it works very well for those looking to become entrepreneurs.
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